Faith Formation Team
Category : Transitions
The Faith Formation Team organizes activities in which God calls young people, with their families and communities, to love in action as a way of life. We currently meet one Saturday morning per month via Zoom to create intergenerational events, evaluate and plan programs and curriculum for youth and children and guide the adult volunteers in our programs. We begin each meeting with personal support and sharing, and the leaders of adult faith formation activities are welcome to join us before we shift the focus to children and youth. Our team reports to the Council Officer for Faith Formation, customarily the parent of a child in our programs, who relays information from Pastor Chelsea to Council at its monthly meeting. This position is currently vacant, and the officer will be nominated by the Spiritual Gifts Committee this spring. Please consider serving! The Faith Formation Team actively recruits new members to assist in the planning of activities for our children and youth. We are also recruiting new teachers for the fall to work one hour twice a month. Please contact any current member of our team! (Pastor Chelsea, Trent Parkhill, Sara Schneider, Becky Burrage, Kyla Asmar, or Kate Palmer)