“Elected each year by the congregation at the Spring Congregational Meeting, the Church Council is the primary governing body of Holladay UCC. The purpose of the Church Council is to protect and advance HUCC’s mission,  ensure there are adequate resources to carry out HUCC’s mission, be ambassadors to the community of behalf of Holladay UCC, and to grow, build and strengthen the congregation and equip and encourage members to become leaders in the Church and the community.”

As part of its responsibilities, the Church Council appoints members to the following standing committees to help sustain and healthy and vital community:


Pastor Parish Relations Committee:

In the UCC conference settled pastors usually have a designated PRC.  In short, these are individuals the pastor may use as a sounding board of sorts.  The pastor can share ideas, joys and concerns with the group, both on a church-related and personal level as she/he feels a need, knowing it a safe place for honest, caring and confidential feedback.  The committee members are also there for the congregation to serve as a non-direct means to approach the pastor when so desired. 

The UCC provides a great deal of helpful information to its members, and in the document “A Sure Foundation” the role of the PRC is summarized in this way:

  • Serves as an advisory group to the pastor: sharing ideas, dreams, expectations, and concerns of the congregation with the pastor
  • Serves as a support group for the pastor’s leadership: interpreting roles, functions, boundaries, opportunities, and needs of the pastor to the congregation.

The goal of a Pastoral Relations Committee is to promote faithful, shared ministry between the pastor and the congregation.

The members of Pastor Chelsea’s Pastoral Relations Committee are Jono Centurier-Harris, Tiffini Adams, Pam Erickson, and Chris Gamble.  The members of the Senior Pastor’s PRC are Pam Erickson, Chris Gamble, and two others who will be nominated by the Senior Pastor and appointed by council. We all hope you will feel free to come to us with thoughts for the group whenever you need to!


Human Resources Committee:  The responsibilities of the Human Resources Committee for all salaried and non-salaried staff (except Holladay Preschool personnel) include:

  1. Annually reviewing and updating personnel policies.
  2. Conducting performance evaluations of the Pastor(s).
  3. Consulting with the Pastor(s), and assisting as considered necessary, in performance evaluations of other Church staff members.
  4. Recommending to Council the compensation and benefits for paid staff as part of the Church operating budget process.
  5. Establishing and annually reviewing job descriptions.
  6. Overseeing the maintenance of personnel records.
  7. Consulting with the Pastor(s) on possible employment terminations of non-Pastor personnel.


Council Members

Spring 2023, updated May 22, 2023
ModeratorLeslie Jerominski
Vice ModeratorMark Eggen
Communication OfficerRoger Lamoni
Financial OfficierDennis Bayes
At-Large OfficerKaren Dorman
Worship & Spiritual LifeTiffini Adams
Care, Community & FellowshipKarin Young (voting member) and Amy Spratling (non-voting)
Compassionate Action & OutreachNan Wierville (Sturgeon)

Faith Formation & EducationLaurie McBride
ClerkTiffini Adams
Preschool Board RepresentativeMark Eggen
Youth RepresentativeGabrielle McCall
TreasurerDennis Bayes
Financial SecretarySteve Schneider
Rocky Mountain Conference DelegatesJim Bale, Marilyn Dillard
Intermountain Association DelegatesCarl Adams and Linda Hilton

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