Compassionate Action extends God’s unconditional welcome through volunteer service and financial support that helps ensure basic needs are met and dignity upheld.



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Operation Sandwich:

Contribute a substantial part of the dinner meal served to the homeless and hungry by the St.Vincent DePaul Center in Salt Lake City by making ~ 400 hearty sandwiches once a month and helping serve that meal at the Center.

Opportunity to Participate on Thurs or Fri. of 3rd Week of each month Volunteers are needed:

4-5 Thursday        10:30 – noon to slice cheese & prepare 50+ PB&J sandwiches
9-12 Thursday      6:00- 7:30pm to prepare 350 meat & cheese sandwiches
6-7 Friday              4:30-6:00pm to serve the meal at St. Vincent DePaul Center

Feel free to try it out to see if this fits your interests; commitments vary from occasional help, to once a month; to get on the email list of reminders, updates and volunteer needs please send your name and email to Debbie Wilkerson at the email address listed below. You are not committing to anything but will have the opportunity to participate as desired. Friends and non-members are always welcome – the more the merrier!

Contact Information
To find out more information about this important community ministry or ways to participate please contact Operation Sandwich ministry leader Debbie Wilkerson, or call the HUCC office (801) 277-2631

Meals on Wheels:

Meals on Wheels provides nutritious midday meals to frail and isolated older adults. HUCC has participated in this mission for eight years. Ten volunteers deliver meals to 10-12 people every Monday through Friday. Contact Steve Carmen at if you would like to volunteer to help.

Family Promise:

Update Coming Soon

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