Wednesday evening, March 13, for Lent at Holladay UCC,  there will be a light supper at 6 p.m. followed by making prayer pretzels at 6:30 p.m. and games to play while the pretzels bake.

As legend has it, in medieval times monks made pretzels as a way of teaching younger monks to pray with folded arms. The three holes in a pretzel symbolized the Trinity. Thus we’ll make pretzels to remember prayerful reverence.

Wrapup and cleanup will be finished by 7:30 p.m. If you want to help with the necessary chores or bring food, check out the instructions.

Lenten schedule reminders
for your refrigerator door

  • March 20 — Plastic, a toxic love story.  What to do about it!
  • March 27 —  Stories and fish.
  • April 3 —  Service night; bagging beans and rice for Crossroads Urban Center.
  • April 10 —  Egg hunt culmination.
  • April 18 (Thursday) —   Agape feast at First Congregational Church
  • April 21 — Easter.

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